Category Archives: SEO for Photographers

A Digital Success Series for Modern Day Photographers

When we first talked about SEO (search engine optimization) for photographers, we only touched on the basics.  Main discussion points were page titles, keywords and descriptions.  This week, we will get a bit more specific in regard to SEO and cover some things you can do within your site pages (mainly the content – or meat & potatoes of your site), that can greatly help increase your online visibility.

1)    Interlinking – This simply refers to providing links within the content of your site to other pages on YOUR website.  When you do this, it’s important that you use “anchor text” that coincides with the keyword phrases you’ve chosen.  Anchor text is “naming a link”.  Instead of saying, “to check out our photography forum, click here,” you’d say, “check out our photography forum and enjoy all of the benefits of being a member”.  The link would then go to the page that you have previously titled, “photography forum”.  Make sense?  That anchor text actually reinforces and raises the organic (non-paid) rankings of your target terms.

2)    Backlinks – These are similar in concept to interlinking, only the links come from other websites to yours.  How do you do this?  Well, if you know the website owner, you can simply ask.  If you don’t, then you can comment on blog posts with links in your comments, submit your site to online directories and/ or write articles on platforms like Article base, Ezine Articles, HubSpot and Gather.  There are dozens of other sites where you can submit original work, you just have to look.  Again, anchor text is always a bonus in your links.

3)    Social Media – Do you live on Facebook or Instagram?  Well, you’re not alone.  Having a balanced presence on social media platforms can be very beneficial. Just be sure to do it with limitations, eventually have a way to monetize your efforts and send traffic back to your website and blog.  “Tagging” is something that many photographers are taking advantage of.  When you “tag” a client in a photo (with their permission of course), you’re essentially opening up your work to all of their friends, who are likely of the same demographic make-up, and who are perhaps at the same stage in their life (think marriage, babies, senior photos etc.).  Here’s an example of a news feed post: “John Doe was tagged in Drew Warner Photography’s Album”.

4)    Blogging – This can be of huge importance to the keyword ranking of your website. So, if you have time, try to do it.  Search engines see sites with fresh content as more relevant in their respective industries.  The idea of a blog (or Web Log) is that you are updating followers on the latest news, photo shoots, specials, promotions and more.   A good rule of thumb might be to start with 2 posts a month. Having a blog also gives you the ability to point links back to your website on a regular basis.

5)    Creating Web Pages Around Relevant Industry Partners – Let’s say that you’re a wedding or event photographer.  Do you have a favorite venue, an organization or company that you do consistent work for or someone that is happy to refer you to prospective clients?  A nice technique is to create web pages about some of the locations and organizations you work with regularly.  If you title the page accordingly in your meta-data and include some good content, it’s likely that people searching for information on these venues will find your web page in the search results.  Bonus for you!  Remember, getting a link from this partner is valuable so don’t be afraid to ask.

There’s a lot more to SEO than what I’ve covered above, but go ahead and get your feet wet. Feel free to reach out if you need any help!


Googles new search algorithms launched April 21st

GGogole, Responsive Design,Smart phones, mobile friendly website, Google responsive website templateoggle is stepping up for better searches with new search algorithms to support you when you are using your smart phone. Google is trying to give us what we all want when searching for something… better site viewing on smart phones. The new algorithms were launched on April 21st.

When viewing sites with older web design on your phone, they just are not easy to view. You get scrollbars, the text is too small, you just see small areas on the site, which makes you miss things. Overall it is not a great experience. And if your site is flash based, it can’t be viewed on apple smart devices unless you have created a second html version of the site.

One of the newer ways to make sure your site is easy and friendly to all devices is the buzz word “Responsive Design”. This makes your site fit any monitor or smart device. One of the things that the new Google algorithm does is check to see if your site looks good on a cell phone. The great thing that responsive design does is stack the information when you are viewing sites on your cell phone so you just scroll down and it all fits. The question is, will your site still be found on Google if it is not mobile friendly… sure it will. Though it will be penalized and you will lose some standing, in other words they will show the mobile friendly sites first.

MorePhotos new Snap system is built in html 5 “Responsive Design”. And since the new search algorithm from Google began April 21st… there has never been a better time to join MorePhotos and get your mobile friendly site up and running.

You can use this tool to check to see if your site is mobile friendly –

SEO keywords for photographers, make a list and check it twice

When it comes to SEO keywords or phrases for photographers, don’t just use every SEO phrase you can think of. This will result in a bunch of mediocrity when what you need is a dash of domination.

We advise our photographers to make a list of 3-5 search terms where they want their site to show up in the first page. You can do a little research to see how many people are fighting to appear under the same terms by doing the search yourself or calling us up if you are a MorePhotos client. This is important because you don’t want to go for “Dallas Photography” if you don’t have a large budget and lots of time. (Edgy senior portraits in (Dallas suburb)) will get you much further.

When you do a blog post or write the “About Us” page on your site or add new images, or make any changes at all, insert your phrases where you can. Just remember that readability to the end user is always first priority.

Outdoors Child Portraits
Outdoor Child Portraits Traverse City

While it might be tempting to tag this photo with “Ella by the woodpile”, “Outdoor Child Portraits Traverse City” will get you much further because that is what someone might enter into Google or Yahoo or Bing.

Bringing your site to page 1 for 3 SEO Keywords or phrases is WAY more effective than bringing your site to page 6 for 100 different keywords or phrases for your photography site. Write them down and focus in like your aperture is at 1.2. You will do really well with the chosen phrases.