Let’s Talk Photography Trade Shows

Hello everyone, Michael Connors here, CEO of MorePhotos. It is time for Photography Trade Shows to kick off a new season and that means time to get together with your peers, learn new ideas/technology and meet new people! This is the time to get energized, so let’s talk about how all of this can help you in so many ways.

First, I am a big believer in joining state photography organizations; to me it is a must for so many reasons.

There is so much information and opportunity at national and local trade shows. Starting with technology, you read about it, you may think it is cool, and that is the end of that. Then you go to a photography trade show and a speaker or peer starts to talk about how they are using this technology and in your mind you think, I saw that but had no idea I could use it that way. You also get to talk face to face with the designer who created the technology and he suggests other ways to use it. This is what makes you better at what you do and is opening your mind to endless possibilities.

Connecting with your peers can open more doors to business ideas. For example, when you are dealing with hard customers and have a colleague to call that is in the same boat as you can work wonders. Hopefully, this support group of new peers across the country can keep you motivated by sharing thoughts, new ideas, and victories.  Bottom line – be open, start conversations, ask questions and be personable. These connections are priceless.

The speakers can open a lot of possibilities to new ideas and get you motivated. Pick wisely and try to go to a few marketing seminars. Remember this is your time to shine and soak it all in, so do not overlook the opportunity, and always take lots of notes.

As vendors we support the national and/or especially local trade shows. Vendors should be treated as a wealth of knowledge, giving future growth to your company.  Vendors invest a lot of time and money to attend a photography trade show; the average for big shows is around $15,000, for the smallest space. Vendors have so much to offer so keep your mind open, and more important, trust their knowledge of the industry. When I am at these shows I try to listen to everyone, even if the product they are selling is something I think I do not need or want. By opening my mind and listening to what they say, I always benefit, even if I do not buy their product.

One important piece of advice I always give is, never ask the cost of something until you find out how much it will earn for you. If you want to cut to the chase ask the vendor, “What is the profit margin?” Then and only then will you know if it will work for you. I have been working and attending trade shows for 30 years and if the first question you ask is, “How much does it cost?” the first thing that goes through my mind is, you will never be financially successful because you are looking at price instead of opportunity. If it costs $10,000 but it makes you $30,000 it might be worth figuring out how to come up with the $10,000.

So do not be shy. Remember the wealth of information that is on the trade show floor, and don’t pass it by. This coupled with the speakers; makes photography trade shows a win-win situation.

Happy New Trade Show Season!


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