Tag Archives: how to host a photo contest

MorePhotos Releases Innovative Photo Contest Software – Give it a Try!

Big News!

This past Monday we released PhotoScramble, our new innovative fundraising photo contest software, into public beta (http://beta.PhotoScramble.com). The software allows businesses, organizations & individuals to craft their own photo contests with 4 levels of service ranging from free to paid premium levels. At all levels, hosts are able to define their own contest guidelines, prizes, and generate traffic & buzz around their brand or cause.

At the premium level, hosts have the option of charging an entry and/or voting fee which can go toward non-profit fundraising goals, 50/50 prize raffles or other organizational needs. At the top paid level, hosts have the option of selling ad space on their individual contest pages to sponsors via cpc or cpm methods. Tools to aid in spreading contests include social sharing options, contest badges and a contest widget.

PhotoScramble has been a long time in the works, and we hope you’ll join the site and enter, vote in and host contests of your own. Future plans include a white label level of service as well as digital print lab integration so that photographers can offer and site visitors can purchase photos and photo products.

Let us know what you think!


The trend of hosting photo contests online as promotions is quickly growing for many reasons; it’s a great way to get consumers involved in your brand, to interact rather than just stand by, and with so many folks owning personal digital cameras, it’s an easily accessible form of engagement.  That said, there is still the challenge of coming up with not just good – but great ideas for your contest theme(s).  Here’s a few tips to help you out so you can get down to what’s important for your business…promoting it and increasing customer interest!  These are some things we tell our PhotoScramble customers…

Make photo contest ideas broad enough to get a great response and reasonable number of entries, while still focusing on a theme that can be applicable to your brand.  It also helps to make the theme work for photos that “most” people would already have on hand.  This cuts down on the amount of work a potential entrant is required to do and increases the likelihood of them actually participating in your contest.  Here is an example of a great contest hosted by Hazelnut Kids.  You can see that this e commerce business utilized it’s kid’s toys market to get parents to upload photos of their little ones playing.  The winner received a $50 dollar gift certificate to the store.  The theme was broad, being that many people have kids, yet still focused on kids & toys for the store’s target market.  It also is pretty common knowledge that many people have photos of their kiddos already on their computer or camera for quick and easy upload.

Make your idea fun for and applicable to your target audience.  If you are a bed & breakfast, travel photos of the world would be a great theme.  If you are a Chamber of Commerce, try a “love your city” contest.  It will let others show photos of their city, while you promote your own.  You get the idea.  So before you create your contest, do a bit of thinking about your products or services, your target audience, and what your target audience would be likely to engage with.  If you need ideas, contact us, we’re here to help!

Good luck & happy hosting!