Tips for running a successful photo contest!

Tips for running a successful photo contest

Hosting your own successful photo contest takes time and thought before hand. Don’t forget about your overall contest theme and using tips and tricks that have a proving success rate. This is a list of 6 more successful photo contest tips.  

  1. Big Idea – What are you using the photo contest for? Are you trying to increase brand awareness, build a community, or raise money for a fundraiser? Come up with a purpose and a goal on exactly what you are trying to accomplish. A successful photo contest doesn’t require a big prize, simply a big idea to engage your target audience.
  2. Photo Quality – Encourage quality images within the overall theme. This could be a simple   statement about what the image means to the photographer, an image title, or simply making sure the entries are on par with the Big Idea.  If the image is outside of the contest scope, make sure the contest rules address these situations.
  3. Sponsor – A sponsorship can help build a successful photo contest in a variety of ways.  Look for a photo contest sponsor that can help you with prizes and a promotional reach.  Look for a cohesive sponsor and take advantage of business relationships.
  4. Voting method– Use a voting method that applies to the type of photo contest you are hosting.  If you are trying to build your brand with repeat traffic, set your voting method to once per day or once per hour, not unlimited.  Encouraging voters to go to the contest each day will only increase brand exposure to them for the duration of the photo contest.  If you are hosting a photo fundraiser you will need to decide if you want to receive donations based on voting on a photo, entering a photo, or both.  Donation based votes work well, however don’t forget the viral effects of social media.
  5. Contest time line– A successful photo contest time line is something that isn’t too short, however isn’t too long either.  Give yourself enough time to announce your photo contest to the world.  Take advantage of social media and cool creative tactics like QR codes, however don’t forget about the basics.  If you are hosting a local contest and have a sponsor take full advantage of their resources.  Don’t forget about free local newspapers and radio ads as well.  If you are hosting a Photo Fundraiser most local radio/tv stations will offer a free PSA for your nonprofit organization.
  6. Follow through- When the photo contest is completed announce the winner(s) swiftly.  If the winner (s) are based on popularity it should publish instantly upon completion of the photo contest.  If the winner has to go through a judging process make sure the judges do their part.  Announcing the winners on a timely matter only validates the integrity of a successful photo contest.

If you are still reading you can see five more tips here.


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