Category Archives: For Fun!

Which Camera shall it be?

Most of us are really into photography around here, and in the spirit, we are adding an “office camera” to get others hooked.  We have narrowed the camera down to 2 options, and would love some advice from you, the experts. The chosen camera will be used for video blogs, having fun, and testing our latest features.

1.  In corner number one, weighing in at 7.5 oz, shooting 16.2 MP, is SONY a55

Large and in Charge


  • 1080 video
  • 10 fps
  • 18 mp

2. Contestant #2, much smaller, but still packing a mighty punch, Olympus PEN E-PL1

It's the size of the fight in the dog


  • Smaller
  • Less expensive by $350
  • Easy video button

Your professional advice is welcome, please!  What did we overlook? What other cameras do we need to consider?

MOvember (formerly known as November)

We donated 3 models to bras for a cause, helping our local chapter raise close to $30K in October.  We decided to keep up the good spirited fund raising through Movember.  We have a few mustaches in the office raising money and awareness for cancer affecting men.  Sadly, 1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with some type of cancer.

Learn more here: Movember

Feel free to make a donation here:

Enjoy some pictures from the office.  We might have a fraud on our hands!

zack's mo
12 day growth of luxury
Mo Sister
Tomas Bucco