Category Archives: Raise the Bar

Photographers, Let’s Talk about being Welcoming!

Let’s Talk about being Welcoming! Do you ever think about the message you leave behind … We all like to be recognized for what we do! It makes us feel important & needed. So why not keep this in mind throughout your day, because you’ll usually find several opportunities to make this happen.

First, might be the way you answer your phone, and I mean actually answering your phone. If I try to call 10 photographers, I might have one answer. Don’t try to screen your calls, you never know who it is or what services they need. I owned a catering company years ago and I told a bride that I would get in touch with her photographer to get some questions answered. He picked up the phone and gave me a riot act about soliciting and hung up on me. It took two other calls to him to explain why I was calling. (Bad business 101)

So when you answer the phone, have a smile on your face and if it turns out to be a solicitor, be nice and let them know you’re not interested, but thanks for calling. Note: Since you are in the photography business, if the solicitor is selling something relating to photography, take a couple of minutes to see what they are offering… you might learn something even if you do not buy anything. This rings big at trade shows too. Do not get mad at your caller, you never know if this person could be a customer down the road. When you answer with a smile on your face your day will go smoother and good things just might happen. I had a good friend who would answer (Hello this is Larry from Wojcik Music, how may I make your day better) a little corny, though it always made me smile.

One of the biggest mistakes I see photographers make is not thanking the customer after the sale. If they do thank them, they do not add an action. Such as additional opportunities for future business with the thank you.

MorePhotos Thank You, Thank your customer, Photographers welcome your callers
For example:

“Thank you Mr. Connors! We appreciate your order and we hope you love your new photo. It was a lot of fun at Johnny and Linda’s wedding, they sure are a wonderful couple. If you have any questions or you would like to see other products, such as Christmas cards, framing etc., that we can design with your photos, give us a call!

Also, I want to let you know we are a full Portrait, Senior, and Family Photography Studio. Here is a coupon towards a family portrait session, our regular cost is $495.00 and this coupon will make it only $100.00. It’s a way to show you more of our work and earn your future photography needs. Because at Happy Photo we love to make memories!”

“Thank you from all of us at Happy Photo” (Maybe have the staff all sign the card.)

It is very important to send the thank you with the product, not after and not in an email! (beware of drop shipping from lab) If you must drop ship, try to get your lab to add your thank you.

There are many other areas you can tighten up the way you treat people. Keep your eyes open as you go about your day. One year when I had my catering business I told myself, “I’m sticking to my prices this year!” Not more than a week later I received a call from a bride to ask about our services. She said she heard great things about us. She knew what she wanted, and told me she had already called another catering company. They gave her a price of $8.50 per person. I had to bite my lip not to price match. So I told her, “I’m not your caterer” and she said, “Why”? I told her our price would be $12.50 per person, though I would do $12.00. Then, I waited for an answer and after a moment she said, great, where do I send the deposit. I kept true to my decision, and with a smile on my face the whole time, it paid off!

Bottom line, always answer your phone, (80% of people go with the first person they have talked to) keep the tune throughout your conversation. Many people may start out with “How much do you charge”. You might say something like, “Because there are so many variables, let’s get together and discuss your needs and see if I’m even a good fit. Knowing the variables will determine the prices.”

If you do not want to be the cheapest company in town, do not be cheap yourself. Customers notice these things… if you do not want to pay for something of value why would they? I say that because some photographers will try to get the cheapest deal on everything. We all do this to a point, though it seems photographers take it way over board. Spend money on your Brand – Logo – Website – even the way you dress – create beautiful example albums – these are things that will make you and your business shine!

Having a Website: What is Myth and what is Fact?

Having a Website: What is Myth and what is Fact?

You can’t really be serious about photography without a proper web presence. Well you can, but then you probably want to be left alone with your camera and your photos and you have no desire of sharing your work or talent with anyone. That’s probably not you so let’s move on.

Perhaps the ultimate tool when it comes to having the right kind of web presence is your personal photography website. It should be your online home, no matter if you’re an enthusiast or a hard working pro. Now there are several myths about having a website and I wanted to confront them with real life. And that’s what I did. Here is what’s real and what’s not.

Responsive Design, Template Websites, Myth: You can’t go into business without a website.

Fact: It depends what kind of photography business you want to run, but for 90% of cases…you guessed it, you need a website. Most people rarely have the time to meet up and have a look at your wonderfully printed photos. They would much rather sit on their couches with their iPads and do their viewing which means it’s pretty important to be present online. Even if most of your work comes from other types of advertising and promoting, like word of mouth and recommendations, you still need to have a place where people can view your work online.

Myth: Having a website will bring you more clients.

Fact: In real life, a website might bring you work. If you’re starting to get confused, hear me out. You probably know by now that you need a solid portfolio to get noticed by potential clients and professionals from creative fields and the art world. You also know that if you’re going to have a website, you might as well get a good one. The ugly truth is that it’s only part of the story. The most amazing photos and the most eye-catching webpage won’t even get you a phone call if people don’t know about it. Simply having it will change very little in your professional activity. On the other hand, if you spread the news about your webpage, make it as public as possible and use every opportunity to attract visits, then you might start noticing some changes.

Myth:  It’s the photos that matter the most, not the design.

Fact: Back in the early 2000s, this would have been true. Part of it actually still is, but let’s take it from the top. A strong portfolio is a must, no matter what kind of photography you’re into. However showing that work in an ugly, prehistoric, tasteless platform will turn it into something almost worthless. A photographer shouldn’t just be someone who takes nice pictures. He should be a professional of all things visual and that means balance between quality of work and quality of webpage. It needs to be tailored to the photos. On the other hand, if you have an impeccable theme on your website, one that is a real eye candy, but your photos look like they’re were taken by a 9 year old using a point and shoot…well, that’s a different kind of drama.

Myth: Once I have a website, people will find me easier

Fact: No, they won’t. Sure, if they Google your name it might be the first link to pop-up, right on top of your Facebook page, but you want more than that. Running a website involves some writing and SEO (Search Engine Optimization). For example, if your name is Bob Smith and you’re a wedding photographer in Philadelphia, the link to your page should pop-up as soon as someone Googles “Philadelphia wedding photographer”. Invest some time in learning these techniques because they could be the difference between an average business and a good one.

Myth: I can substitute a website with other accounts like Flickr and 500px.

Fact: 500px is an amazing place to find incredible photographers and show your premium work. Flickr has also gotten better and better lately, and it is no longer a modern form of torture when used. But neither these, nor other photography communities that offer the possibility of creating your profile page and gallery are good enough for replacing your own .com. If you’re looking for serious clients, with serious money, you need to consider that they’re looking for a serious photographer with a professional web presence.

Googles new search algorithms launched April 21st

GGogole, Responsive Design,Smart phones, mobile friendly website, Google responsive website templateoggle is stepping up for better searches with new search algorithms to support you when you are using your smart phone. Google is trying to give us what we all want when searching for something… better site viewing on smart phones. The new algorithms were launched on April 21st.

When viewing sites with older web design on your phone, they just are not easy to view. You get scrollbars, the text is too small, you just see small areas on the site, which makes you miss things. Overall it is not a great experience. And if your site is flash based, it can’t be viewed on apple smart devices unless you have created a second html version of the site.

One of the newer ways to make sure your site is easy and friendly to all devices is the buzz word “Responsive Design”. This makes your site fit any monitor or smart device. One of the things that the new Google algorithm does is check to see if your site looks good on a cell phone. The great thing that responsive design does is stack the information when you are viewing sites on your cell phone so you just scroll down and it all fits. The question is, will your site still be found on Google if it is not mobile friendly… sure it will. Though it will be penalized and you will lose some standing, in other words they will show the mobile friendly sites first.

MorePhotos new Snap system is built in html 5 “Responsive Design”. And since the new search algorithm from Google began April 21st… there has never been a better time to join MorePhotos and get your mobile friendly site up and running.

You can use this tool to check to see if your site is mobile friendly –