Tag Archives: MorePhotos

Photography Lessons – Think Outside the Box

Where is the photography industry headed?

image courtesy of graur razvan ionut

We’re hearing this more and more from photographers; “Every Joe with a DSLR thinks they are a photographer”.  Family members of the bride & groom are competing for the business in the wedding photography industry, right?  Only they’ll do it for fifty bucks and a six pack.  Beats fifteen hundred to three grand in some people’s opinion.  What’s more is that the audience sometimes may not be good enough at telling quality pro photos from the amateurs.  It’s a fact that DSLR sales are way up as more and more consumers join the craze.  There are two ways to look at everything.  Doom & Gloom or Opportunity.  I like opportunity.

Did you know that 8,100 people monthly Google search the keyword phrase, “photography lessons”?  Or that 18,100 people Google search the keyword phrase “photography workshops“?  Some others are “private photography lessons“, “photography lessons for kids” and “digital photography classes” – there are dozens more.

If you can’t beat them, join them. Innovate, create, teach.  So you can’t stop consumers from buying digital cameras, but maybe you can teach them how to use them.  Do you have a local community college in your area?  Do you have a studio with a down day during the week?  Teach a class.  Now you’re the expert.  And guess what?  Now you may just get hired for some work for one of your pupils – while they are still learning of course.  It’s all about connections, and the more you make the better off you’ll be.

So what do you think? Where is the photography industry headed?  How’s your business faring in the digital age?  Let us know.  At MorePhotos, we’re going strong, and we’re here to help make sure you are doing the same; from in-house marketing help & tech support to  SEO specialists.  We want to work together to keep pro photography alive.  I hope this made you think outside the box.

P.S. Need marketing tips?  Read our post: Nine Things you can do to Promote your Photography Business on the Web.

When starting your photography business

Utilize the discount coupon!

If you want to end up selling your 8×10’s for $20, that is what you should post them for, and if you want, you could give your first clients a discount coupon for any percent off you wish.  This way they know the real value of your service, and you mentally prepare them for the next visit they make, when you will be charging your standard pricing.

Post EVERY event online!

Even if it is a small job and your customer already ordered from you, post it online.  They have the opportunity to show their friends, family, coworkers, etc, YOUR site with their photos.  This type of word of mouth exposure is the most valuable marketing you can receive.  Better than any phone book ad, billboard, etc.

Photograph your favorite venues and post them online!

People often search for the venue first.  If you are a wedding/event photographer, create a page on your site for posting venues.  You will be found by more people and provide valuable info for your clients.

You need a good camera and lens, not the most expensive.

It is important to have good equipment, but some of the  most successful photographers have a unique ability to distinguish the difference between a good investment and a new toy.  Ask yourself if your new equipment will be able to help you make more money, or are you just keeping up with the Jones?  160 MP?  I’ll stick with 8, thanks.

Show season 2010

We spent approximately 112 man hours putting up and taking down our booth during this years trade shows.  About 220 hours traveling, and 264 man hours during show time going over our features with clients and other eager-to-learn photographers.  The show season can be exhausting, but also inspiring.  Our new Search Engine friendly flash (because its also HTML) was VERY well received.  Every year we make strong new connections and come away with new focus and determination.

A special thanks to all of our clients and to the professional photography community in general for your hard work.  It is your determination to raise the bar that keeps the profession alive and strong, despite thousands of prosumer cameras being sold every month.

We still have more shows, including the HOAPPA in Kansas City next month.  We look forward to seeing a few of you there!

-MorePhotos Team