Tag Archives: sell photos online

Photographing in a DIY society

With a little help from Google, there are not many projects that can’t be tackled by yourself with a little time, like powering your skateboard with a cordless drill.

Well, photography isn’t much different for some. Many people are willing to study the basics themselves and and take a simple family shot, and some may be happy with that. That’s fine, because you are willing to do what they are not.

What is the DIY person not willing to do? This is what you have to do. What are you not willing to do? You just might have to push yourself to do that as well.

Natural light is awesome, but you can’t get a photo like this with just natural light:

shot with outside flash
                                                                 Shot with outside flash.                  -Image provided by ShirkPhotography.com

The average Do it Yourselfer won’t carry around portable Lumedyne flashes or put a couch in the back of their truck and haul it to a river to nail the perfect family portrait shot for an adventurous family. They’re not willing to study the nuances of lighting techniques relentlessly and how to compose a shot for a 20×30 vs a 20×10 vs a 5×7. The list goes on and on, but I think you’re getting the point.

Do the easy and fun stuff because it is easy and fun, but also dig into the challenging stuff because it will make you better, more valuable, and more creative. The tough stuff today will be the fun stuff tomorrow, creating more separation between you and the competition.

Responsible Social Media Posting for Photographers- Image Rights on Facebook

What are your image rights as a pro photographer after posting to Facebook?

Unfortunately, not much. There is a false sense of control over images posted to Facebook. Many people don’t know there is a download button under each photo which can be used without the original content owner’s permission or knowledge. If you don’t want someone downloading or otherwise using your photo, it doesn’t belong on Facebook. Remember, its primary purpose is to share photos and stories with your friends and family.

A large frustration comes from educated photographers who know that Facebook is arguably a fantastic marketing tool, but in exchange for using it they must sell their soul (or at least give up exclusive rights to the images posted).

We recommend the following advice when pro photographers post images to Facebook

  1. Post a url on fb (not actual image) to link to the images on your own website. This does NOT give fb nor anyone else rights to use your images.
  2. Use www.MorePhotosApp.com to share images on fb. This app was created for photographers to protect images shared to fb. Images actually go to the MorePhotos App servers, not Facebook, and therefore the photographer retains full rights to images posted. There is no download button (unless of course they purchase the digital image from you), an auto watermark option is available, and photographers can post up to 1 GB of images for no monthly fee.
  3. Only post watermarked images that are already purchased. This way you know you already have money for that photo and now you are just gaining marketing attention.
  4. Know that once posted to Facebook, you have very limited control over the image. Its not the way we want it, its just the way it is.

In the words of business blogger Seth Godin, “Once it’s free (such as Facebook), you’re not the customer any more, you’re the product.”

Your professional images are valuable, treat them as such. Facebook is not evil and you don’t have to delete your account. Just use common sense before you post and you can gain valuable marketing exposure without losing image rights.

How to Sell Photos Online – It’s an Art

If you give MorePhotos CEO Mike Connors a call and ask for ideas on how to sell photos online, you better be ready to sit back and enjoy the ride.  Mike has a bunch of ideas, and a bunch of inspiration to boot.  The cool thing is that the team here at MorePhotos has actually built the shopping cart (and tweaked it over the years) from actual photographer feedback.  Here’s a few tips that will help you out, as well as associated MorePhotos system features that make them easy to implement.  You should be aware of these and using them if you’re not already.

1) Post your event before you shoot it: How is this possible?  We created “coming soon” events.  This way you have the ability to set up an event that is planned, and interested parties can register their email to get an auto notification when the images are live and ready for purchase.  Sweet!  This is a great way to build excitement for the event and the images yet to come.  Here are instructions and a screen screen shot to show you how it’s done:

  • In Online Manager go to Event Manager, Events, Add Event
  • Choose Coming Soon Event, and fill in your event data
(click in for detail)

2) Discount your event & post for a SHORT time period: Testing this technique in the early days proved a couple different things.  For one, it increased sales 30-35% to have events listed for a 3-4 week time period rather than 2-3 months.  Secondly, when a discount was added to the equation, say for the first week, 2/3 of procrastinators (those folks who wait months to order your images), stepped up to the plate and ordered right away to get the savings.  To add a discount sheet, simply:

  • Go to Online Manager, Pricing Manager, Discount Sheets
  • Add a discount sheet, name it, then click add discount
(click in for detail)

3) Capture the “last 3rd”: What’s that?  Good question.  In Mike’s words, “it’s the last 3rd of procrastinators who waited too long to purchase.  They missed the discount, they missed the active event, and you don’t want to pay to leave your extra images up  just for them.  That’s why we have an archive feature.  When you create an event, simply set a date for it to auto archive.  It’s kind of like hibernating.  The images in archive do not count toward your monthly peak image count, and only cost 1 dollar per 1000 images!  The kicker is that you can set the tool up to charge the customer a certain amount to get the event out of “archive”, then automatically send them a gift certificate for that same amount off of their order, thus increasing the chance of them ordering to get their money back – plus of course they get your images:)

If you’re looking into MorePhotos for the first time, visit our client testimonials page and take a glance at our photography website templates!

I hope this was helpful.  Let us know if you have any questions or comments.  You can also give Mike Connors a call @ 231-932-0855 x 15 to grab a bit of that inspiration for yourself.