Tag Archives: website templates

MorePhotos Photoshop Templates and Storyboards

One of the new features being considered with the debut of our new Online Manager, is a resource folder that will contain storyboards and templates that MorePhotos customers will be able to download, free of charge… Free is a very good price! Do you think this feature would that be useful for you?

Below is an example of a 10 x 20 storyboard, this photoshop template is fully customize-able… If you don’t care for the filagree, just turn that layer off. Want a different color background, add a color overlay to that layer. Add your images via a clipping mask. And if you aren’t sure how to use a clipping mask, here is a quick you tube tutorial we found…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoKyP_vFsRI

And if you are not a MorePhotos customer yet, check out our template based websites and our feature rich e-commerce shopping carts at http://blog.morephotos.net/ so you can be sure to get in on all that we have to offer.

Check out this link to see just a portion of the over 200+ features included with MorePhotos. http://blog.morephotos.net/cart-online-features-morephotos/

To download the layered PSD file, click on the image below. Enjoy!

10x20 Storyboard

It’s Almost Here!

For 18 years MorePhotos has been a leader in the Photographic community providing websites/e-commerce shopping carts to professional photographers. We have taken everything that was great about our system and are in the final stages of producing MorePhotos Gen 2! As we enter our last phase of production, we are asking our users, and even those that use other systems, what is on your wish list? Is there a feature you would like added? Now is the time to let us know as we rebuild our back end with a system that will knock your socks off.

For example… one of the new features we have added are slideshows that are timed to music. What do you think about this one, cool, yes or no?


Featured Photographer of the Month August 2014 with MorePhotos is Jonas Grushkin – Photogenesis Photography

Featured Photographer: Jonas Grushkin with Photogenesis Photography

logo photo jonas grushkin photogenesis photography morephotos sell photos online

Jonas Grushkin, Portrait of me taken last year, on our property in Durango CO
Jonas Grushkin, Portrait of me taken last year, on our property in Durango CO


Jonas Grushkin

Photogenesis Photography

Durango, Colorado


My love for photography goes back 50 years. I built my first box camera at age 10. My father, Philip Grushkin was a world renowned book designer, calligrapher, had me printing B&W images and photographing portraits on a Zeiss Conterax Bullseye camera. My favorite lens was that Sonnar 90mm 2.8 lens, Wow! I was later asked by the Grateful Dead to document their fans in the early 80’s and went on to publish the very successful book “Grateful Dead, Official Book of then Deadheads. While running Photogenesis Photography in La Honda CA, I worked as a carpenter resurrecting barns and pursued my love for piano as I did a west coast tour with a blues band. I moved to Durango Colorado in 1992 raising two boys. We built a totally off the grid home and photo studio. The story about our land and my work as a photographer is detailed on my web site: www.grushkin.com.

Today I work primarily as a portrait photographer. Whether on location or in the studio, I strive to get to the heart of ones personality and capture that in a humble, candid, humoristic, reflective and honest way. My clients always appreciate the almost invisible way I conduct myself in a photo assignment, allowing the subject to guide the flow of images, as this photographer silently steals moments. I believe in simplicity in a photograph, the less elements the better.

Digital photography has expanded the range of tones and focus, beyond what the human eye and brain are used to seeing . My rule of thumb for budding photographers is to break a photo down to its simplest elements for its greatest impact. Shoot manual and bracket. And try, try, try not to keep looking at the back of the camera. That one amazing image might have crossed your lens while you were distracted.

I can be reached through e-mail, jonas@grushkin.com or Facebook: Grushkin Photography or at my studio: 970-259-2718. I am available for location work on a moments notice and would love to discover new personalities in unusual places for that creative spark!

I appreciate your time, hearing my story and my love for photography! I would love to hear from you!



Website: www.grushkin.com