Congrats to our MARS School Winners

MorePhotos wants to give a big congrats to our the winners at the MARS School this past week. MARS School is an intensive, 5 day training, that you can really sink your teeth into. MorePhotos was happy to be represented at the trade show again this year. Harry Markel, our National Sales Director, was on hand to preview our new system MARS Photography Schoolthat has been built from the ground up. At every trade show we attend we have a drawing to give away our great template DVD, version 3. We would like to congratulate this years winners at the MARS school!

Pictured left are Harry Markel and Gary Lloyd from the Mid Atlantic Regional School of Photography presenting awards to Torri Koppenaal and Rick Martelo.

If you are in need of a new photography website or state of the art shopping cart, give MorePhotos a call today.

Congrats Torri and Rick, thanks for stopping by!


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