Newsletters 101

Remember, nobody “has the time” to write a newsletter regularly, some people just make the time.  You know, the ones not complaining about how hard it is right now.

Consistency is very important, mark it on the calendar and stick to it.  If you really get in the flow, feel free to write the next one while you are at it. Talk about specials, new backgrounds, and a reason to go to your website if possible.  Avoid talking about new cameras, lenses, lights, and other information that will fly over their head, remember your audience.

Passing through the spam filters is tricky.  Ever notice how some spam gets through and some doesn’t.  Here are a couple rules to follow:

* Now this is a tough one for photographers, but avoid using lots of images.
* If you are doing any html coding, be sure it is clean, with proper closing tags, etc.  MorePhotos customers, we will take care of this for you 😉
* Immediately before posting, check how your site ranks by sending emailing it to:  Be sure to put TEST in the beginning of the subject line.  You will get an immediate response back with tips on how to make it better.

NOW get out there and start your newsletter!  With MorePhotos, there is no excuse not to!

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