On High Deserts and Winter Storms – by Sanny Leviste

On High Deserts and Winter Storms...</p><br /><br /><br />
<p>Taking the high road exposes one to some of the more extreme changes in weather. It humbles even the mightiest warriors because their metal can keep them alive against arrows and spears but leave them vulnerable to the forces of Nature...Yet the minimally covered wave riders of life learn early in life that having the least and knowing the terrain can make them travel long distances rapidly with all they will ever need at the moment of truth...Sans the drums and glitz of lore, a warrior disciplined and trained can deliver more...it is true with photography...and so it is with life...  Being aware of surroundings and changing light conditions presents many  opportunities to take fabulous images and create lasting memories. Long road trips often offer great vistas for those prepared to capture images even at relatively high speed.
Taking the high and less traveled road widens the parameters of visions as it exposes one to some of the more extreme changes in weather. It can humble even the mightiest warriors. Even if their tools and equipment allow them to get their jobs done, sometimes the sheer physical requirements and considerations can leave them vulnerable to the forces of Nature…Yet the minimally covered wave riders learn early in life that carrying the least and knowing the terrain lets them travel longer distances rapidly, prepare with a greater set of options and have all they will ever need for implementation. Timing is everything and can only be delivered perfectly when the confluence of forces are ready to converge at the moment of truth…
High Plains_3424 CE FB
Sans the drums and glitz of lore, a warrior disciplined and well trained can deliver more…It is true in war. It is true in peace. It is true in photography. Planning well and being ready often  allows delivery with ease…This is also true in life…


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