Going the distance

Photo Contest Best Practices

Share Your Contest on Photo Blog Sites

There are four photo contest levels that can be setup on the PHOTOscramble platform. Depending on needs, the levels range from Free, Basic, Standard, and Premium.  Each level of service offers a different set of features.  For example, a simple public photo contest that tracks votes lasting under 30 days works well under the free level.  If other features are needed such as, a private contest, longer duration, sponsorship ad space, or a means to charge an entry or voting fee other contest levels may be more suitable.  The PHOTOscramble platform has many features that are fun to use at all levels.  A complete list of photo contest features can be seen here.

Find and Create a Photo Contest

If you don’t already have a PHOTOscramble account, one can be created at www.photoscramble.com.  All accounts require a valid email account for activation or Facebook credentials.  Once logged into the member panel, click CREATE A CONTEST to begin. Below each contest level highlights are listed , while not limited to all features available.

Free Level Best Practices Highlights

  1. Fill out Contest Description so folks have a quick overview of what your contest is about.  Include your Web site address; this is optional, but highly recommended.  This gives you more credibility and people can get a more complete idea of your business, organization or cause and what you do.  This also provides a backlink to build SEO for your site.
  2. Contest Start Date, this can be set up to 1 year in advance, the contest duration starts at the Contest Start Date, not the creation date.  Once your contest start date passes you cannot change your dates! If you need to change things once your contest starts, call us for approval and to make the change.

    upload contest photos
    upload contest photos
  3. You can upload photos in bulk into the contest by clicking on the green up arrow icon in your member panel next to your contest.
  4. Allowing 1 Vote per user – per day or hour is highly recommended to maximize photo contest interactions and build excitement.
  5. Upload a Contest Graphic sized 150×150; this is optional, but highly recommended to increase traffic.
  6. Include Prizes you will be awarding along with images and descriptions of the prizes. Better prizes and descriptions generate more interest and participation.  Prize images should be sized 150×150.
  7. Create a link badge using our wizard for sharing your contest on a web page, Facebook, or within an email.
*Don’t forget to take your contest out of Preview Mode when you are ready to go live, once your start date passes, you can no longer take your contest out of Preview Mode or make any date related changes*

Basic Level Best Practices Highlights

Private Photo Contest
Private Photo Contest


A basic Level Contest includes additional features that allow a contest to be private and extended interaction to 60 days.

  1. Visibility: Will your contest be public or private? – A private contest will not be displayed to the general public or the www.PhotoScramble.com community.  A person must know the exact link to a private contest to view, enter or vote.  You must do a good job of sharing your contest link.Fill out Contest Description so folks have a quick overview of what your contest is about.
  2. Include your Web site address; this is optional, but highly recommended.  This gives you more credibility and people can get a more complete idea of your business, organization or cause and what you do.  This also provides a backlink to build SEO for your site.
  3. Contest Start Date, this can be set up to 1 year in advance, the contest duration starts at the Contest Start Date, not the creation date.  Once your contest start date passes you cannot change your dates! If you need to change things once your contest starts, call us for approval and to make the change(s).
  4. You can upload photos in bulk into the contest by clicking on the green up arrow icon in your member panel next to your contest.
  5. Allowing 1 Vote per user – per day or hour is highly recommended to maximize photo contest interactions and build excitement.
  6. Upload Contest Graphic sized 150×150; this is optional, but highly recommended to increase traffic.
  7. Include rules as they apply to your contest, such who can/should participate etc.  These should be short, but concise.
  8. Include Prizes you will be awarding along with images and descriptions of the prizes. Better prizes and descriptions generate more interest and participation.  Prize images should be sized 150×150.
  9. Create a link badge using our wizard for sharing your contest on a web page, Facebook, or within an email.  This is very important if you select a Private Contest.
*Don’t forget to take your contest out of Preview Mode when you are ready to go live, once your start date passes, you can no longer take your contest out of Preview Mode or make any date related changes*

Standard Level Best Practices Highlights

Photo Contest Banner
Photo Contest Banner

A standard level photo contest includes additional banner branding and the ability to export contestant and voter information.

  1. Visibility: Will your contest be public or private? – A private contest will not be displayed to the general public or members of the www.PhotoScramble.com community.  A person must know the exact link to a private contest to view and participate.  You need to do a good job of sharing the contest link.
  2. Fill out Contest Description so folks have a quick overview of what your contest is about.  Include your Web site address; optional, but highly recommended.  This gives you more credibility and people can get a more complete idea of your business, organization or cause and what you do.  This also provides a backlink to build SEO for your site.
  3. Contest Start Date, this can be set up to 1 year in advance, the contest duration starts at the Contest Start Date, not the creation date.  Once your contest start date passes you cannot change your dates! If you need to change things once your contest starts, call us for approval and to make the change(s).
  4. You can upload photos in bulk into the contest by clicking on the green up arrow icon in your member panel next to your contest.
  5. Allowing 1 Vote per user – per day or hour is highly recommended to maximize photo contest interactions and build excitement.
  6. Upload a Contest Graphic sized 150×150; this is optional, but highly recommended to increase traffic. If you need assistance, just give us a call.
  7. Upload a Contest Banner sized 728×90; this is optional, but highly recommended to increase traffic and improve appearance.  If you need assistance, just give us a call.
  8. Include Prizes you will be awarding along with images and descriptions of the prizes. Better prizes and descriptions generate more interest and participation.  Prize images should be sized 150×150.
  9. If you are using independent judges for your contest, establish judging criteria and Invite judges using the judges tab.  Please choose reliable judges that will follow through with their obligations.  **If judges don’t rank the finalists before the contest end date the photos with the most votes will be announced winners.
  10. Create a link badge using our wizard for sharing your contest on a web page, Facebook, or within an email.  This is very important if you selected a Private contest.
*Don’t forget to take your contest out of Preview Mode when you are ready to go live, once your start date passes, you can no longer take your contest out of Preview Mode or make any date related changes*

Premium Level Best Practices Highlights

Photo Contest Branding and sponsor add space
Photo Contest Branding and sponsor add space

The Premium level photo contest includes features that allow for up to 12 sponsor ads and the ability to set photo entry/voting Fees.

  1. Visibility: Will your contest be public or private? – A private contest will not be displayed to the general public or members of the www.PhotoScramble.com community.  A person must know the exact link to a private contest to view and participate.  You need to do a good job of sharing the contest link.  Fill out Contest Description so folks have a quick overview of what your contest is about.
  2. Include your Web site address; optional, but highly recommended.  This gives you more credibility and people can get a more complete idea of your business, organization or cause and what you do.  This also provides a backlink to build SEO for your site.
  3. Contest Start Date, this can be set up to 1 year in advance, the contest duration starts at the Contest Start Date, not the creation date.  Once your contest start date passes you cannot change your dates! If you need to change things once your contest starts, call us for approval and to make any change(s).
  4. You can upload photos in bulk into the contest by clicking on the green up arrow icon in your member panel next to your contest.
  5. Allowing 1 Vote per user – per Day or Hour is highly recommended to maximize photo contest interactions and build excitement.
  6. Upload a Contest Graphic sized 150×150; this is optional, but highly recommended to increase traffic. If you need assistance, just give us a call.
  7. Upload a Contest Banner sized 728×90; this is optional, but highly recommended to increase traffic and improve appearance.  If you need assistance, just give us a call.
  8. Include Prizes you will be awarding along with images and descriptions of the prizes. Better prizes and descriptions generate more interest and participation.  Prize images should be sized 150×150.
  9. Upload up to 12 Sponsor or Ad graphics.  The Graphics should be 180×150, be sure to include the URL link back to the site for each.  We provide an easy export of impressions and clicks for each graphic.  Call with any questions.  A minimum of 4 graphics removes any other advertising from your contest view.
  10. If you are charging to enter and/or vote, be sure to include the fee.  The minimum charge is $3.50 but we highly recommend $10-$25 for entry fees and $5-$10 for voting fees to maximize your revenues.
  11. If you are using independent judges for your contest, establish judging criteria and Invite judges using the judges tab.  Please choose reliable judges that will follow through with their obligations.  **If judges don’t rank the finalists before the contest end date the photos with the most votes will be announced winners.
  12. Create a link badge using our wizard for sharing your contest on a web page, Facebook, or within an email.  This is very important if you selected a Private contest.
*Don’t forget to take your contest out of Preview Mode when you are ready to go live, once your start date passes, you can no longer take your contest out of Preview Mode or make any date related changes*

To maximize the impact of a fun and exciting photo contest, it needs to be shared with as many folks as possible.  Free and premium photo contests that reach the right target audience become king.   A quick list of photo contest advertising channels and ideas can be read at How to Promote a Photo Contest.  If you find something that’s not listed, please share.  We are always looking for better ways to successfully promote a photo contest.




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