Tag Archives: Organizations

Why you should join Photography Organizations

Photography Organizations: Why should you join them… In my last article about the trade shows, I mentioned that I’m a big believer in joining your state photography organizations. So I thought I would explain my reasoning behind my statement.

First off, you are expected to adhere to a Code of ethics. This helps you be a better business person and keeps you up to date with changes in everything from tax code to insurance changes. These are things that if you do not keep up with it now, it could bite you later.

It makes you more social with your peers, which you can learn from, network with and share your everyday work with, from problems to successes. This is so important in so many ways and will make you a better business person and networker.

The cost of joining these organizations is so inexpensive it is almost a non-factor. One of the last state shows I attended the cost to join the organization was under $200.00. The value of what you receive automatically would cost you more than $200.00 and that is before you even walk away from the sign-up table.

It gives you and your client a peace of mind. You will have great photographers that, if something happens, can cover you on events that you cannot make for some reason. And your client will know you have great back up for their event. You can even use it to your advantage when trying to book the clients business. If you do not know these other photographers very well you might pick the wrong one to cover for you. And not to mention you want someone that is the best in that area of photography.

Hey it is a write off on your taxes so it makes it more fun. When going to national conventions to say PPA, PMA or WPPI, these shows are in the winter, and taking a trip Las Vegas to get some sunshine, have some fun and be able to bring your spouse and even staying a couple of days extra… did I mention you can write all this off on your taxes! This is a no brainer right?

And being able to walk a trade show floor to find out all about the new technology and services out there, is second to none for staying on top for your industry. So many times when I’m at my booth talking to photographers I hear that they say to me, “I did not know that existed and that would make me save so much time and money.” You never know what you will learn at trade shows, but you will learn and you will be better at what you do.

Bottom line I only see positive reasons why to join these groups, and with what they offer right off the bat you come out way ahead of the game – go join one today! MorePhotos is headed to the PPA Imaging USA Expo that begins on Sunday, February 1st, stop by and say hi!

Imaging USA photography organizations MorePhotos


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