What is E-Commerce and How Can It Help Photographers?

What is E-Commerce and How Can It Help Photographers? E-Commerce is selling goods, services, or electronic files on the internet. These items are presented for sale through a website, and eager buyers search through the items, and place items that they wish to buy into a virtual shopping cart. Once they’re ready, they can check out, or pay, and then wait for the goods to be delivered. Delivery times may vary from instant, for electronic files such as photographs, to waiting for goods to be delivered by the post office, such as framed photographic art.

E-commerce, Sell Photos Online, Photography Shopping Cart

Being a photographer can be a rewarding and lucrative career, and E-Commerce is a great vehicle to present your photographs to viewers. A website with an online shopping cart is also a great marketing tool, when used properly it can help drive traffic to your website. Whether you photograph weddings, portraits or events, an online shopping cart can be a valuable resource for your clients.

E-Commerce is the perfect method for a photographer to market their website and increase their earning potential. Your clients will be able to view their photos online and order the products that you offer. Even if you do in person sales, you can post the images online after the sale for your client in a password protected gallery that they can share with all their family and friends. This is like handing your client 20 brochures to hand out for you. This client is sharing your photographs with those who know and trust her. The marketing that is garnered from this practice is priceless…

If you haven’t dabbled in e-commerce yet, there is no better time to get started, and it really is easier than you think. At MorePhotos we have developed responsive website templates that are simple to build and if you need help along the way, our top notch live customer support personnel are always happy to help. Whether you need a website, an online shopping cart, or both, we have what you are looking for.

To register with MorePhotos, simply give us a call at 231.932.0855. There are no contracts to sign or setup fees, and you can cancel at any time. You simply pay month to month, and there is even a sixty day money back guarantee.

And to sweeten the pie, MorePhotos has recently joined forces with one of the countries top merchant providers. We are able to offer all MorePhotos customer’s a full merchant account and waive the $30 monthly service/statement fee. All you pay are the per charge percentages! Contact us to get all of the details.

Today is the day to give e-commerce and MorePhotos a try, you won’t be disappointed… What are you waiting for? You can learn more about MorePhotos and their services at morephotos.com.

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